The response of Men

“Who among you and your colleagues should be saved? Who would it be the fairest to save? Who can we save to ensure the survival of the common good?”

Have you ever kept a secret knowing that it would betray a friend? Where then do yourloyalties lie? Which friend do you betray?

On a daily basis, we are all subject to moral disorientation of minor or magnitudinalsignificance. The desire to be just, the desire to do good, remain perennial questions for Ethics.

My next show concerns Morality but also the nature of Goodness. Last year, while watchingThe Decalogue, directed by Kieslowski, I became aware of the Works of Mercy, described inthe Gospel of St. Matthew. The works, an inverted mirror of the Decalogue, are all positiverules that a Christian must follow if they wish to redeem their faults.

My next show concerns Morality but also the nature of Goodness. Last year, while watchingThe Decalogue, directed by Kieslowski, I became aware of the Works of Mercy, described inthe Gospel of St. Matthew. The works, an inverted mirror of the Decalogue, are all positiverules that a Christian must follow if they wish to redeem their faults.There are fifteen works of mercy; to feed the hungry; to give water to the thirsty; to clothethe naked; to shelter strangers; to assist the sick; to visit the imprisoned; to bury the dead, toinstruct the ignorant, to safeguard creation, etc. Fifteen works are presented as fifteen titles, fifteen commissions, fifteen chapters.I must first go through the works of mercy to question what it is they command. I must firstgo through fiction to question the moral dilemmas and concerns, ancient or contemporary,that continue to occupy us.This is one way of examining, as Frédérique Leichter-Flack described, “the interface, inperpetual movement, between the just and the unjust”.

Tiphaine Raffier – October 2019

© photo : Simon Gosselin
en tournée

Written and directed by Tiphaine Raffier

Assistant and theatrical composition
Lucas Samain
Scenography Hélène Jourdan
Lighting Kelig Le Bars
Video Pierre Martin Oriol
Music Othman Louati
Sound Frédéric Peugeot and Hugo Hamman
Costumes Caroline Tavernier assisted by Salomé Vandendriessche
Choreography Pep Garrigues and Salvatore Cataldo

With Sharif Andoura, Salvatore Cataldo, Éric Challier,Teddy Chawa, François Godart, Camille Lucas,Edith Merieau, Judith Morisseau,Catherine Morlot, Adrien Rouyard

And the musicians of Miroirs Étendus
Guy-Loup Boisneau, Émile CarliozClotilde Lacroix in alternation with Amélie Potier,Romain Louveau in alternation with Flore Merlin

General Manager Olivier Floury
Stage Manager Manuel Bertrand or Marie Levêque
Lighting Director Christophe Fougou or Julie Bardin
Sound Mixer Martin Hennart and Hugo Hamman or Charlotte Notter
Video Director Pierre Hubert or Nicolas MorganCameraman Raphaël Oriol

Production Véronique Atlan Fabre, JulietteChambaud, Charlotte Pesle Béal

Production La femme coupée en deux*, La Criée –Théâtre national de Marseille
Musical production Miroirs Étendus

Coproduction ExtraPôle Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur*,Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe, Festival d’Avignon, Théâtredu Nord – CDN Lille-Tourcoing, Théâtre de Lorient –CDN,Théâtre Gérard Philipe – CDN de Saint-Denis,Théâtre National Populaire de Villeurbanne, ThéâtreOlympia – CDN de Tours, SN de Châteauvallon-Liberté,La Rose des vents – SN Lille Métropole Villeneuved’Ascq, Le Quartz – SN de Brest, Le Phénix – SN deValenciennes-Pôle européen de création, Scènenationale 61,Le Préau – CDN de Vire-Normandie.

With the support of the DRAC Hauts-de-France, theHauts-de-France Region, the City of Lille, the DGCA and the Grand Sud-Lille

With the artistic participation of the Jeune Théâtre National and the École du Nord recruitment programme – supported by the Hauts-de-FranceRegion and the French Ministry of Culture.

* Production platform supported by the region SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur gathering the Avignon festival, the Marseille festival, the Théâtre National de Nice, the Théâtre National de la Criée, Les Théâtres, Anthéa, la scène nationale Liberté-Châteauvallon and la Friche la Belle de Mai. 


Duration 3h20 including intermission 

From 14 years old 

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